Graysons New Premises Launch

Alan Pennington Art • October 26, 2017

A short while back, I was asked if I would be interested in creating some Sheffield themed artwork to adorn the walls of the new offices of Grayson’s Solicitors, Sheffield. 

Above; Alan Pennington & Peter Clark, Graysons Managing Partner

After the first meeting with Peter and the team to discuss their vision, tonnes of brilliant ideas were flowing and I was eager to get working on a whole load of exciting new Sheffield artworks.

Grayson’s was first formed way back in 1925 and is one of the oldest law firms in Sheffield, so it was a privilege to work on such a large and important project for them. The company was preparing to move from their former home in Paradise Square, to a much bigger and more modern premises at Courtwood House, Silver Street Head. The brief – to create artworks for each meeting room, (all of which are named after Sheffield parks) and to continue the Sheffield-themed artwork along the walls of the reception, corridors and into the open plan offices. I couldn’t wait to get started!

On 12th October, Grayson’s opened it’s doors for the official launch. The evening was a huge success, with scores of guests joining the Lord Mayor of Sheffield, Councillor Anne Murphy, as she officially unveiled the brand new offices. I met so many great people that evening and was really heartened by so many kind words about my artwork. The venue also doubled as the biggest art exhibition I have held to date, and will continue to be an exhibition space of my artworks both old and new for visitors.

To mark the grand opening, the venue was also the first place to see a brand new trio of Henderson’s Relish pieces I’m planning to release for sale in the run up to Christmas, and all guests received an exclusive mug designed for the launch night, and of course, a bottle of Henderson’s Relish!
You can read about the launch night coverage by here!
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